Friday 2 March 2012

Predict, assume and conclude???

Inference means making a logical conclusion based on evidence which is assumed to be true. We learnt on making inference. Yeayy! We can interpret gossip more easily this time! Oupsss! I am just joking. Heheee :D

Okay okay lets go back to the serious part. Hoho. Making inference is important to make us more easy to understand the text. When we understand the text, to answer the question is not a problem.

For the practise part, we were going to watch some videos and Miss Zue will suddenly pause the video. Based on the clues given before Miss Zue paused the video, we need to infer what will happen next :)

We didn't win :'( so sad. Huhu. Nevermind, we will try again next time. Hehe :)

Till next post. Byeee :)

psssstt: Bruno Mars is soooooooo handsome. Don't you think so?? XD

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