Friday, 24 February 2012

Are you ready for the mid-sem test????

CTU at night! Argghhhhhhh! Bel quiz on the next day? What? This is what happened to us during that week. We were so busy with tests and quizzes. It suprised Miss Zue as when she entered the class, it was so quite. Bizzarre is not it? JAC1102A was not noisy? Yeahhh. The test and quiz are the answer.

Enough for that. During this class, we dismissed earlier as Miss Zue got some work to be done and ....... she would like to give us chance to revise for the night test! Thank you Miss you! You are being so niceeeeee.

On this class, we were exposed to our mid-term exam paper format. It consists of two section, Part A which is comprehension and Part B which is writing the non-linear text. I've told you about the non-linear text right? :) So this time we are doing it again to enhance our skill :)

So, wish all the best for tomorrow quiz! :D

The JAC1102A's Show

Hi, its me again. Like what you have read in my previous post, you might see that we had a lot of activities which are adapted from the popular tv show.This time, we are doing the talk show! :D My group topic was about the issue of price of goods and services that keep increasing from day to day.

My groupmates are Nina, Galang, Iffah and Amallina. I was the host and the other member became the panels. From here, I realised that being host is not an easy task as we really have to know the topic that we discussed so well and I just, can't because I don't have much idea to talk :X

The best group, I think is Pony's group. Reason why I choose them is because the way the host attracted us to keep an eye on their group talk impressed me. Well, about the point, I think all the group are doing just the same so the evaluation will be based on the host :D