Fact is something which tells what actually happend and it can be proven whether it is right or wrong. While opinion is what someone thinks of feels and it cant be proven.
Decribing adjective is an opinion. For example, Rahey is a tall girl. Tall that descrice Rahey is not a fact because for Hefa and Pony, Rahey is tall but for Elya and Ezuwan, Rahey is short :( Thus it is an opinion because we can't prove whether Rahey is tall or short.
Usually sentence that involve time is a fact. For example, 1st of February is the date of the match.
The ball is square in shape. Eventhough the statement is wrong it is still a fact because we can prove that the statement is wrong as we all know the ball is round in shape.
For more information we can click on this link. languagearts.pppst.com/fact-opinion.html
After the lesson, we played some game about the fact and opinion. One representor of the group have to take one magic thing in Miss Zue basket.
We need to be a 'promoter' and promote the thing that we get from the basket. In the promote, we need to include fact and opinion. The other group have to guess how many fact and opinion are in the promotion. Our group won :DDDD
Pronouns and prepositions are the topic that Hanis's group will presented.
Pronouns is the name to the nouns. It usually used to refer to the noun.
For example:-
Baddrol is a man. He is 24 years old.
Due to the example. Baddrol is the noun. In the second sentence, we use He to refer to Baddrol. It is used to avoid redundant.
For more information about pronouns, click here pronounspronouns
Prepositions is word that relate the noun and pronoun in one sentence or to connect one sentence to another. We have 3 types of preposition which are
Preposition of Time - to show when
Preposition of Place - to show where
" What? A new TV Series is on 8TV? What? JAC1102A students will play the character? Can they act? Will the sing? "
" Hey! Don't underestimated us! We can do it! "
I bet if we practise more and more, Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron should just retired. Haha okay Im just kidding.
Outdoor class again! I LOVEEEEE! We were given an article and we need to act and sing song related to the storyline.
Our songs are Because of you and Price Tag.
Ezuwan: The husband
Pony: The wife in the 1900s
Saline: The wife in the 2000s
Hefa: the daughter
Me: The narrator and the Boss
Our storyline is like this.
We show the different of women in 1900s and 2000s. Most women in 1900s rely on their husband to support their life as they are not working but the women in 2000s are indiependent as they have their own sources of money.....
In my very opinion, as I dont act in this activity, I think the best actor and actress come from my own group. Haha. But still, Dinie and Bella are the best actress from the other group. :)
We learnt about how to change non linear text to linear text. Non linear text is graphically presented and linear text is ordinary text. Like this. This is part of our final exam question so we must focus a lotttt moreeeeeee!
We have to interpret the non linear text given. The non linear text might be a graph, table or pie chart. (as shown below)
The essay should be not more that 200 words because it just need to write fact not babbling like any other fiction essay. The time allocate for this part is 40 minutes. It is quite a lot of time but when we do the essay we won't realise that the time flies so fast.
Hours spent on activities by different age groups in Someland
70s +
Socialising with 4 or less people
Socialising with 4 or more people
Doing individual exercise
Doing group exercise/sport
Watching movies in cinemas
We are given the formula to write this essay which is......
P(i) P(ii)
The tittle is a must for this essay. Our mark will be deducted if we do not write the tittle. It carry 1 mark if not mistaken and it needs to be underlined.
The OV is overview which tells what the essay is interpreted from what data and the CI is the controlling idea which tells what the essay is all about. It should be in the first paragraph like an introduction.
KFs are the key features. They are located in the middle of the essay. We need to write about the most outstanding trend in the data and make a little assumption. Exxagerating is not allowed!
P(i) and P(ii) are the Prediction and Proposal of the data. We must predict what will happen to the data in future and make some proposal t0o tackle the problem.
From the table given above, we need to translate it to linear text and need to be presented to the whole class.
As usual, my groupmates are Hefa, Pony and Salina.
This is our outcome.
Hours Spent On Activities By Different Age Groups In Someland
The table shows hours spent on activities by different age groups in Someland within one years. The range of age is between teens and 70’s above.
Watching TV or Videos is the most spent by all range of age especially for teen,1200 and 70s +,
1100 because all the program suits all age.
On the other hand, doing group exercise and sport is the least hours spent activities. It shows an obvious difference of hours which is change 100% among the age 60s to 70s +. This is due to the less energy they have.
Fluctuatingoccurs on the socialising with 4 or less people. It increases 150 hours from 20s to 30s age range whiles it down from 300 to 250 hours from 30s to 40s. It remains constant until 50s.
The table indicates the least hours spent on doing group activity or sport on age range 60s to 70s+. This is because during that age they socialised less. This is proved by the given data about the socialise activities. In order to encourage old folks to socialised, the government should organized event that involve them.
(196 words)
KFs 1
KFs 2
KFs 3
I know there is a lot of mistake but we are learning. The best essay goes to Iffah's group.
Hours spent on activities by different age groups in Someland
The table shows the hours spent on activities like watching television or video, socialising with four or less people, socialising with four or more people, doing individual exercise, doing group exercise or sport and watching movies in cinemas by different age groups from teens to 70s+ in Someland.
The activity of socialising with four or more people is decreasing from 350 for teens until 25 for 70s+.
For teens, watching television or video has the highest hours spent because they like to watch entertainment programmes. However, from age 20s to 30s the hours spent has decreased because they are too busy with their works, but climbing back from age 40s to 70s.
On the other hand, doing group exercise or sport decline from teens to 70s+. This is cause by the ageing process that occurs to human being that leads to the declination in joining outdoor activities.
Based on the table, we can conclude that when we become older, we will do less outdoor activities because our body become weak as we do not have enough energy to do more activity. Government should organize a campaign such as “10,000 steps a day” to encourage community to join other outdoor activities.
Hey. Im updating my blog again :) On this week I only had two classes as my lecturer got a seminar to attend. Yeahh, for a student like me (our can I say like us? HAHA) this is a good news is not it? But, no worry, we'll find a date to replace the class.
the trailer
Movie movie Im so happy :P Okay mind the crazyness I did :/ Guess what? We watched a movieeee in this class! 127 hours is it. Yeahhhhh to be honest, I don't really like this kind of adventreous movie. Maybe because I don't really enjoy hiking? Sorry.... But this movie got a LOT of moral values k.
But still...... I tried to get something to be learnt on this class which I trained my ears to listen to English. Usually, when I watched an English movie, I needed to read the english subtitle to actually get into the dialog but now I tried to just listen to the sounds properly.
We were ask to make some review and submitted it the next day. I'll rewrite the review later when I get my paper back okay? :)
This movie is about a mountain climber named Aron who is trapped alone in a jaws. This movie is 60% about how he survived there alone until he is forced to drink his own urine. If you are interested to watch this movie, maybe you can go to the nearest movie shop and buy the CD okay? I clouldn't find the fullmovie in YouTube.
outdoor class again :D In this class we were required to go through the event, LCC. LCC is Language and Culture Carnival which were organized by Faculty of Language Study. In this event, there were a few stall that sold food and some stall that show some exhibition. We needed to buy some food from the stall and asked the hawker how they made the food. For the stall that made the exhibition, we took some note about the exhibition.
We were coming late to the class. Hmm sorry miss. We promised you we won't come late anymore without any massive reason.
This is our list-to-do about this LCC program.
i) Buy any food from the stall and ask them how to make it
ii) Get information from the exhibition booth
We were allowed to use only English language as our medium. Yeahhh this is English class.
I ate the cocktail :D
evaporated milk
We bought cocktail from Mandarin Club stall. We interviewed Kak Fatin. She was my wing-mate. Here is the ingredients to make the cokctail. Actually, the cocktail should be served with jelly but it ran-out so we just had it in its simplest way. They deducted the price too :D
For the exhibition booth, I visited English Language Society booth. Their theme is about applying the way of using English Languange among the children. They showed some way to educate our Malays children to use this international language as the medium of conversation.
They also served a body painting for only RM2 :D Its cheap isn't it? I would like to paint Man Utd logo on my hand but...... I don't have a fair skin tone so I'm afraid it might be looking so ugly so I just forgot it. Huhu.
If you ever dream to be one of those Disney Princess, they provided photo editing service that would make you an instant princess. As your picture been captured, they will edit it and make you a Cinderalla, Princess Jasmine or maybe Snow White? Fun isn't it? Heheee.
The next day, we did not have class. Miss Zuraidah got a seminar to attend. The replacement class will catch us later!
I think, that is all for now. Hmmm. Till then, see you in the next post k.
I never thought that I would ever right a poem. I don't even dream of it but suddenly in this class we were assigned to write a poem. I was like " :O I am not a poet!! "
But I should give change a chance right? I tried my best to write it I swear! Huhuhu. I wrote it with all my heart out. And this the result......
I think I can...
Yes, I know I can
The matter is not the time,
It is just the attitude of mine.
I believe that I can do it,
The lazyness that is the only thing I have to beat.
My dreams, my ambition,
I must do it with passion,
For my family, friends and people around me,
For the man that I always want to be.
An accountant, a good daughter, a good people to society,
His great wife, his children cool mother I always hope to be,
and the most important, a pious and good slave to Ilahi.
I think I can,
A motivation for me to get through the hurricane,
When the mind is ready,
My physicals have to work already.
To achieve all my dreams,
Because I think I can.
And I know I can......
My friend, Poney
I was so amazed with most of my classmates that could write such a very good poem. I could feel some of them like Niena, Dinie, Ezuwan and Nolek. I wondered what was on their mind on that moment. Hmmm.
On this date, our group were supposed to 'teach' about nouns and article in this class but then Miss asked to postpone it to tomorrow.
Do you think being teacher is such an easy job? Think again. It is not that easy to make other people understand about certain thing. In the real life too, its hard to make people know and understand how we felt and it goes the same on teaching. As if I wanna take my brain and put in their brain so that they can understand as how I did.
Because I am one person that always got some problem to express my thinking or idea into words, but I'm learning to. Huhu.
Nouns and Article
That is the topic that we had to teach infront. Hmmmmmmmm. I really hope that they understand what we've thought them.
Nouns is basically about proper nouns, common nouns and abstract noun.
If you want to find more information about nouns , you may click here
A An The : we use this word everyday in our life right? This is called article :D Heee
If you want to find more about article, you may click here
After we were done with our lecture, we conducted some games for them to test their understanding. We were playing snake & ladder :D
I hope Miss Zuraidah was satisfied with our work. Hmm :(
In this class we learn about the topic sentence which is also known as the focus of the entire paragraph. It might be included in the first sentence, in the middle or might not be anywhere in the paragraph. It sounds so hard at first to recognize which is rhe topic sentence.
But after a few pratices, I think that Im on the track. InshaAllah.
We are given some practices in such a attractive way.....
Miss Zue showes us some video and we need to find the main idea of the video. It makes our mind are ready, alerted and attracted to the idea and apply it on academic purpose.
on the papers that we holding is the main idea that we wrote
But it kind of upset to Miss Zue when she checked our portfolio. We did a slumpy work. We are sorry miss!!