Monday, 30 January 2012

Pronouns and prepositions are the topic that Hanis's group will presented.

Pronouns is the name to the nouns. It usually used to refer to the noun.
For example:-
Baddrol is a man. He is 24 years old.

Due to the example. Baddrol is the noun. In the second sentence, we use He to refer to Baddrol. It is used to avoid redundant.

For more information about pronouns, click here pronounspronouns

Prepositions is word that relate the noun and pronoun in one sentence or to connect one sentence to another. We have 3 types of preposition which are 

Preposition of Time - to show when
Preposition of Place - to show where
Preposition of Movement - to show what

I get more information about preposition at this link :)

some exampl of preposition

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