Listening exercise again ...
We were doing the listening exercise again. This time I got better mark :) I've learnt from the mistakes I made during the last exercise. Hehee. I got 13/15. Quite good is not it? :P
After the exercise, it is time for another grammar presentation that discuss about Subject-Verb-Agreement and Adverbs by the Komander's group.It was great because......... we were awarded with food when we answered correctly for the game. Yippiiii! All the classmates wer so happy because... Yeah we are hungry monsterrrrrr! We love foooddd <3
Subject-Verb-Agreement tells you about how Subjects and Verbs must agree one another in number(singular or plural). In a simple word, singular subject must be with singular verb while plural subject must be with plural verb.
Singular?? Singular stands for 1 person while plural stands for more than 1 person like we, them, their. But there is a special case for You. We consider it as plural verb :) Don't get confuse!
For more information on subject-verb-agreement, click on this link :D
Adverbs are words that modify verb, adjective and another adverb.
We have 5 kinds of adverbs which are adverbs of manner(answer the question how), adverbs of place(answer the question where), adverbs of time(answer the question when or how often), adverbs of degree(answer how much) and adverbs of frequency(answer the question how frequent or how often).
Conjunctive adverbs - connects the idea expressed in different sentence. The examples are however, futhermore, also, moreover, still and therefore.
For more information on adverbs, click on this link :D
Okay that is all for this entry. I'll update more later okay. Oh yeahh. We are going to have speaking test next week
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